Migraine & Headache

None of us enjoy having a headache. But yet, headache is the third most common pain complaint worldwide. Not only are headaches common, they can also be very disabling, leading to a decreased quality of life.

Many people do not realize that Manual Therapy for headaches is one of the best, most effective treatments available today.

Following are the main categories of common headaches and their separate causes:

  • Tension and cervicogenic headaches
  • Migraine and cluster headaches
  • Secondary headaches resulting from another underlying illness, such as sinus infection,  infectious disease, tumor or other serious illnesses.


Cervicogenic Headache

A cervicogenic headache is highly treatable in Manual Therapy. These headaches come from a neck problem and the pain is referred into the head.


  • Pain on one side of the head only
  • Neck pain and dysfunction of neck mechanics.


Common locations

  • Base of the skull,
  • Behind the eye or in
  • A line from the base of the skull toward the face or eye


Tension Type Headaches

Manual Therapy is the best medicine for tension type headaches.


  • Feel like a dull, aching pain
  • Tightness across the forehead or sides/back of the head.
  • Scalp, shoulder muscles and neck muscles are often tender to the touch.
  • Commonly triggered by stress


Know your Headache

If you currently suffer from headaches, answer these questions to determine if Manual Therapy for your headache is appropriate.

  1. Wake with a headache?
  2. Get a headache after sitting for prolonged periods of time at your computer?
  3. Note neck pain, stiffness or soreness along with your headache?
  4. Grind or brush your teeth at night?
  5. Feel tender or sore “knots” in the muscles of the neck, upper back and shoulders?
  6. Note that your jaw/shoulders “clench” when under stress or with prolonged work?
  7. Sit most of the day?
  8. Your headache or migraine is one sided
  9. Your headache is always one side but as it worsens it spreads to be on the other side as well

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then our manual therapy for headaches is a good choice for you.

If your headache or migraine is the result of head or neck trauma it is important and appropriate that you consult your doctor.

How can we help you?

Dr. Kumar and his team have years of training in evaluating the causes your headache and they use most advanced manual therapy techniques to minimize your symptoms, example:

  • Craniosacral Therapy
  • Cranial Base Release (CBR)
  • Relaxation Therapy
  • And many more.

